Sofal Khoshrang Meybpd Brick Company

Sofal Khoshrang Meybpd Brick Company
Sofal Khoshrang Meybpd Brick Factory is located in Yazd province, km 7 of Meybod-Yazd road with an area of about four hundred and sixty thousand square meters.
The field of activity of this company is the production of different types of facade bricks with different sizes. This factory was established in 1976, started operating in October 1979, and is among the most complete brick factories with a production line equipped with a drying system and fully automatic machines. It is from Italy and has a tunnel furnace. The products of this company are 4 cm, 5 cm, 7 cm, 8 cm and 10 cm yellow facade bricks and 4 cm and 5 cm red bricks.
  • Region
  • Meybod
  • Address
  • Km 7 of Meybod-Yazd Rd., Yazd province
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